Saturday, August 29, 2020

Back to School with Distance Learning

An overview of my Canvas course setup begins at 1:32.

The school board pushed the start of the school year back by three weeks and we will start with a distance learning program. As of now, I know the board sent in a request to extend remote learning by an additional 4-weeks. However, I do not know what the current status of that request is. Given my experience with creating blended learning activities for my students, the shift to creating distance learning material wasn't too difficult. However, my main issue lies with particular teaching strategies that I regularly employed in a face-to-face format.

In the event that we do go back, my focus is not to decorate or fix up my classroom because we most likely will not go to a regular schedule that involves students moving around. However, I'll speak about this in another vlog. Also, I will be able to show more of my Canvas distance learning setup and/or answer any comments people have about this particular vlog.