Bond with James: January 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Human Body Systems Interactive Graphic Organizers & Activities

After the success of my interactive chemistry graphic organizers, I decided to branch into biology (it's what I received my degree in). I immediately wanted to create a human body systems graphic organizer set based on human body clip art I purchased a few months ago (I used several of the images in my chemistry task cards series). However, the set was missing a few of the body systems and caused the project to be put on hold. I contacted another clip artist on TpT to determine if she could expand her set. Unfortunately, I never heard back after a few messages between us. I decided to ask the artist whose set I used in my task card series to expand her original set (check her out here). Anyway, she came through as promised and now I have this fantastic addition to my TpT store. 
There are 11 Interactive Graphic Organizers (IGOs) that incorporate all the human systems and 1 Human Systems Interactions activity (seen in the bottom right of the above picture). I plan on expanding the product to include more activities and graphic organizers for classroom use. As with all my sets, I've included color and black & white versions. While the IGOs are okay in black & white, I highly recommend the Human Systems Interactions activity be printed in color.


  • The following human systems are represented: integumentary, digestive, lymphatic (immune), endocrine, excretory, circulatory, reproductive (male and female), skeletal, muscular, nervous, and respiratory.
  • The following human tissues are represented: epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle.
  • All IGOs come in two versions: color and black/white
  • Directions, ideas, pictures, and suggestions are included for immediate classroom use

Happy New Year! This is my first blog post of the new year. I took a break from creating new items, Pinterest, and a bunch of other things. Now I'm back and ready to add new ideas for 2014. :)